Tonight is the night – I waited a long time but tonight we will finally go out and collect some bats! Phyllostomid bats, to be...

Exserohilum rostratum, the killing fungus
There are hundreds of topics I could write about. The hardest part about writing is choosing a suitable topic and sticking with it until...

Has evolutionary history led us to today’s rapes?
My mother always said that the world has come to its end. In a way, she was right. Not literally, of course. The earth will not stop...

Wetenschap met de natte vinger
Wetenschap boekt slechts vooruitgang door het formuleren van hypothesen. Deze kunnen juist of fout zijn. Nader onderzoek – door...

Great research, unexpected conclusion – Why fish is so good for you (?)
A few weeks ago I encountered two articles about unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids and their mechanism. Great research, but the tagline...

Thompson Island, and the tale of my undergrads making it up to me
The day had taken a bad start. One of my undergraduate students had texted me, saying both of them would be too late and “we should...

Welkom in de nanowereld
Nanotechnologie laat zich niet gemakkelijk vatten. Enerzijds schrijven we een onderzoeksterrein met ongekende mogelijkheden. De mens is...

Dierenwelzijn uit de doeken
Zo’n 92% van de schapen in België wordt ritueel onverdoofd geslacht, in Nederland gaat het jaarlijks om zo’n 2 miljoen dieren....

Fatty acid-rich fish stocks: a sixth extinction crisis
We’ve all heard news reports about the benefits of eating fish, and replacing some red meat meals with fish as an alternative source of...