Review published!
My colleague, André De Kesel from the Meise Botanic Garden in Belgium, and myself wrote a review article about Hesperomyces virescens, the microscopic fungus that is an ectoparasite of ladybirds (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae). The paper turned out to be a thorough review with an overview of all reports of all Laboulbeniales associated with ladybirds. The paper is written in Dutch, but captions of figures and tables as well as the abstract are available in English. The PDF is available here.
Below is one of the beautiful photos used in the paper, taken by André.

Dear Dr. Haelewaters,
Since a Facebook friend of mine showed some very interesting pictures of Hesperomyces “virescens“, I suggested to write a short article about this fungus, the invasive host and its biology for the German fungi magazine “Der Tintling”. During my research I found all your articles, including the work about the cryptic species in this group. I would be very glad if you could review the text as soon as it is a final draft.
Kind regards,
Dear Hagen,
I will be more than happy to review your text. Send me an email when you’re done and I will look over it as soon as I can.
Very best wishes,