Popular science
How is a new species described? Martin T, Haelewaters D. OpWall Blog, 25 January 2021.
In fieldwork, other humans pose as much risk to LGBTQIA+ people as the elements. But there are steps allies can take to help. Haelewaters D, Romero-Olivares A. Massive Science, 9 December 2019.

Expecting the unexpected: Looking for lady beetles and their parasites. Haelewaters D, Verhaeghen S. ReVista 15 (1), Fall 2016: 30.
Thaxter’s Treasure Trove. Friends of the Farlow Newsletter 63-64, 2014: 15.
Hebeloma, Pioneer Genus in Forensic Mycology. FUNGI Magazine 6 (3), Autumn 2013: 47-48.
Climate change and shrinking fishes. SciLogs.com, 10 June 2013.
Squam Rock: lovely setting for 2013 Clara Cummings Walk. Friends of the Farlow Newsletter 61, Spring 2013: 6-7.
Gene Variants of a “Stress” Gene Have Profound Impacts on Health. Science in the News (Harvard University), April 2013.
Forensic Mycology: Taking Hebeloma to Court. SciLogs.com, 22 March 2013.
Parasite host specificity related to host susceptibility to be killed? SciLogs.com, 7 March 2013.
Has evolutionary history led us to nowaday’s rapes? SciLogs.com, 20 January 2013.
Fatty acid-rich fish stocks: a sixth extinction crisis. Science in the News (Harvard University), January 2013.
Exserohilum rostratum, the killing fungus. FUNGI Magazine 5 (5), Winter 2012: 12-14.
Microscopic fungal parasites reveal their host’s behavior. SciLogs.com, 14 November 2012.
Exserohilum rostratum, the killing fungus. SciLogs.com, 24 October 2012.