You’d think that in Belgium, a country with a very high population density, not much more biodiversity can be found in addition to...
Category : Laboulbeniales

[News] International team explores the mysterious and understudied parasitic microfungi
The world around you is teeming with life you can’t see. Plants, soil, water, insects – even your hair and skin – are home to...

Danny back@ugent
Toen ik in 2011 mijn schup afkuiste met het indienen van mijn masterthesis, getiteld “Exploring and testing DNA extraction protocols,...

Undergrad finds microscopic fungus resembling prehistoric marine reptile
When my undergraduate student Warre started his project in February studying microscopic fungal ectoparasites of bat flies, I knew that...

A new species of Laboulbeniales finally discovered after millions of years in the waiting
When collaborator Menno Schilthuizen, with whom I published a paper introducing a new species of Diphymyces from Borneo, mentioned...

Twee nieuwe insect-geassocieerde schimmels voor de wetenschap uit natuurgebied De Kaaistoep bij Tilburg
De quarantainemaatregelen overal ter wereld hebben ons wakker geschud. Mij alvast. Hoe de wereld op minder dan een half jaar tijd...

[News] New species of fungus sticking out of beetles named after the COVID-19 quarantine
A major comprehensive study on Herpomycetales and Laboulbeniales, two orders of unique ectoparasitic fungi associated with insects and...

Capturing bats to find fungi on flies
IT WAS THE FOURTH NIGHT of fieldwork in the Chucantí Nature Reserve cloud forests in the Darién Province. The expedition at Chucantí...

New fungal taxa from a Panamanian cloud forest
I realized that it took me about two years to get back online on my website. Oops. The hardest part was then figuring out how to do this,...